About Laptech
Lap-Tech Inc. was founded in 1972 to provide quartz blanks and proprietary crystal processing equipment to the Frequency Control industry.
A change of name to Laptech Precision Inc followed the company purchase by RFX Ltd in 2010 and adds the facility to the group.
As pioneers in industrial lapping and polishing techniques the company evolved into a key supplier of high quality components to Instrumentation and Telecom Industries. In 1980 the company began production of finished quartz resonators and today provides high quality oscillators and resonators to Telecom Industries throughout the world.
The company, which is located in a 15,000 square foot facility in Ontario Canada, employs highly skilled personnel, its unique blend of products and services include precision quartz resonators supplied to oscillator manufacturers worldwide, quartz and alloy material fabrication to exacting parallel and optical polish standards and high precision OCXO, TCXO and VCXO oscillators manufactured by the parent company. Additionally a range of miniature smd oscillators purchased from qualified sources are provided to augment the group manufactured products.
In 2010 a joint group Research and Development programme was initiated to study resonator Phase Noise performance under severe shock and vibration. This programme will provide valuable data to improve Phase Noise performance in precision crystals and oscillators for use in telecomms, transport and ruggedised industrial applications.
Continued factory development with new clean room facilities and equipment for crystal production to 500MHz will maintain Laptech precision Inc at the forefront of quartz resonator design.