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Laptech Precision Inc. news

Breakthrough in 10.0MHz SC Cut 3rd overtone miniaturisation SMD crystal - December 2015

Announcing a breakthrough in SC crystal miniaturization at 10 MHz; the 10Mhz SC 3rd overtone crystal is a key component in the OCXO market providing excellent stability and noise performance. As other components have reduced in size over time, the limiting factor for package size reduction has become the crystal.

To solve this issue, Laptech Precision has developed a true SC design in the HC35/U package with a height of 5.1mm and 3.6mm.
In addition to this, this crystal will be offered in our exclusive SMP-8 4 point mount surface mount package with a dimension of 7.9mm x 7.9mm x 2.0mm offering the ultimate in size and performance.

A reduction of this magnitude does have some impact on the parameters, most notable a reduction of C1 from a typical 0.220fF to 0.135fF and the Q factor remaining at 1,100K or better.

Further development of Modified SC versions will be followed in the Q3 of this year.
If you have any further queries or inquiries about the products described or any of our other products do not hesitate to contact our very capable sales and engineering team, who would be more than happy to assist you.


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